Our Covid Year!

Our Covid Year!

After a year of lockdowns and restrictions, masks and social distancing,  Monageer Parish Grotto is still providing a peaceful and safe retreat for its visitors.

Volunteers have been unable to meet in groups for much of the past 12 months, but we have managed to keep the place ticking over at all times.  Even during lockdowns, volunteers have maintained the area on an individual basis when possible.

When restrictions were eased some bigger jobs were tackled:

  • A new fence was erected from old pallets at the main picnic area to provide shelter and make the area safer for children.
  • The pump house was finished and electricity installed to run the pump.
  • A new 4 bay turning compost system was made from old pallets to replace the old one.
  • Additional woodland bulbs were planted and a new grass path through these bulbs was created.

Also, when restrictions were eased in the summer, we had a visit from Alan Maguire who conducted an interview with volunteers Liam and Mary Nolan.  The interview was aired on South East Radio’s Alan Maguire Show on a Saturday in July.  It was Alan’s first visit to Monageer Grotto and he was very impressed with it.

Our local Knitwits group continued to surprise us with colourful yarnbombing displays at various times throughout the year.  Their creations were greatly appreciated and they had installations for Easter, Halloween and Christmas as well as their main display during the Summer.  Despite not being able to meet for the whole year, the Knitwits volunteers have been beavering away at home and are planning some show-stopping displays to add to the Grotto this coming Summer!

On a sad note, we lost one of our longest serving volunteers during the year.  Jim Donohoe went to his final rest on 30th October 2020.  He is fondly remembered and missed by us all especially each time we enter the car park where he worked tirelessly each week.  R.I.P. Jim.

Monageer Parish Grotto was a haven for local families and was much used in line with whatever level of restrictions was in place at any particular time.  When getting out of the house and getting some much needed fresh air and exercise was important, this amenity provided a safe place to go.  And when restrictions were eased last Summer it was a place where people could safely meet up in an outdoor setting.

Because of Covid 19 Restrictions, we were unable to have our regular annual events such as the Easter Day, Halloween Story Time and outdoor Mass.  This included all fund-raising events which our work usually depends on.  Fund-raising has been a big issue for all charities and voluntary groups and Monageer Parish Grotto is just one of the casualties on this front.  For the past year we have had to depend on private donations to keep the work going and now it looks like we could have another year without fund-raising.  We really appreciate the donations and support we get from visitors and the local community.

Going forward, we hope the local people will continue to enjoy Monageer Parish Grotto and all it has to offer, and we look forward to welcoming more people once the 5 km travel restrictions are eased.

Water Supply

Water Supply

Water is essential to any garden.  After two and a half years of planning and work we now have water available in the Grotto.  Up to now all water had to be drawn in by tank.  Not an easy job!

A well was successfully drilled in October 2018 and work began on the pump house shortly after that.  The blockwork and roofing was done in 2019, and it was plastered, finished and made secure in 2020.

In February 2021 the electricity was connected and it was all systems go!  We will now have water readily available for the plants and maintenance of the site.

In the interest of safety, the water will only be operational when the volunteers are working on site.

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