These annual awards are usually a big celebration with members of all the various voluntary groups from around the county in attendance.  2020 as everyone knows was a year with a difference!  Due to Covid 19 restrictions the event was hosted by Wexford County Council online to a virtual audience.  Monageer Parish Grotto were the proud recipients of 3 placings in the 2020 awards.

1st Prize – Best Community Environment Initiative

This section covers a lot at Monageer Grotto.  It includes maintaining the 3.5 acre site, upkeep of beds, borders, pathways and wheelchair accessible picnic areas, and generally making it a place for visitors to enjoy regardless of their ability.

Included in the judging were the addition of the new pump house, a new 4 bay turning compost system, a new fence at the picnic area (for safety and wind protection), and of course our yarnbombing projects.

We have a large group of volunteers who work tirelessly to develop and maintain the amenity on behalf of the whole community.  The Knitwits group adds another dimension and allows a different skillset of people to become involved.

2nd Prize Best Community Biodiversity Project

The Knitwits group came up with a biodiversity theme to add to their yarnbombing efforts.  They took the 6 large environmental information signs (on butterflies, wildflowers, insects, trees, woodland animals and birds) and focused on one thing from each section. For example, there was a feature on the Peacock butterfly, Bees, and the Long Eared Owl.  Creatures and displays were created and snippets of information on the selected flora and fauna were included.

Also the Grotto Group volunteers planted more wildflowers and continued to add naturalising woodland bulbs to the area near the drive between both entrances.  A small mown path was added to allow people to get up close with these flowers without damaging the plants.

3rd Prize Best Community Project to Improve Accessibility to Infrastructure

This rewards the group’s foresight and efforts in drilling a well and building a pump house.  This will be a great asset to the group in providing a much needed water supply to help with the care of the plants and the upkeep of the area.

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